Blogger-Beta Lockout
Two weeks ago after a failed migration to Blogger-Beta I was locked out of my old blog due to some inexplicable technical error. After following 'Team Blogger' guidance and many emails (which they replied to with useless automated replies going on about how I should try out Beta's 'exciting' new features) I've gotten fed up of the wait and the ominious silence regarding a fix. So here it is, almost 50 weeks since the creation of my previous blog's new sister blog
I could rant on and on about 'Team Blogger's pathetic excuse for 'customer service', the stupid, blase and at times highly contradictory advice they give on the Blogger Help Group via somebody called 'Blogger Employee' (when then can be bothered to break there habit of deafening days of silence on Blogger-Beta status) but I won't. Lifes too short, being a free service they don't do SLAs, and I simply can't be bothered to waste any more energy on the subject. Instead, I carry on wasting their webspace.
Naturally, I'll say this:
I'd had a bit of fine Irish Whisky before I made the decision and it made discount my normal reservations about beta products. What was the worst that could happen ?
Of course the more conspiratorial minded visitors to my blog would argue I shouldn't have made potentially litigious comments about the sexual nature of the new movie Megatron's mouth immediately prior to migration...
Blogger Beta
hi and welcome back. i want to send you an invite to join a team blog. my music to grow old site. i would love for you write about either/or your favourite composers or favourite pieces that you love. i realise you don't want your e-mail address available BUT you can always go to my site, send me an e-mail and then i can use that to send the invite. i promise that i won't reveal your e-mail address to anyone.
I am honoured! ;)
Sure, I'll drop you an email.
Fookin' HELL, glad I didn't click that link, tried like hell to go to beta on holiday, but my phone wouldn't open it up properly...
And I love Slayer too... ;)
Oh and new Megatron looks like something out of a Hentai Anime or maybe the later Resident Evil games...
I'll move your link over at my end...let me know when they fix it... ;)
Beta? I have been missing things. What's beta?
Your new background is very calming.
Blogger-Beta's mad, and the customer service is a bit wobbly? If you look around Google/Blogger you'll find mention of it.
I'd like to think Blogger would fix my old blog. They recently put some message up on the help group about dealing with requests. I might send them a fourth email next week. I ain't gonna let this one lie.
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